Jumat, 16 Juli 2010


Sebuah karya terbaru dari kami . . . .
Body kit untuk ninja 250R . . . . .
Dimana aslinya ninja 250R berkategori sport touring . . . . kali ini kami ingin menyampaikan ke brother-brother ataupun biker,s bahwa ninja 250R juga bisa dibuat menjadi THE REAL SPORT . . . . selamat menikmati . . . kalau berminat bisa call atau sms di no biasanya . . . . .
Buruan pre order sekarang . . . .

5 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

kalo 1 set body
biaya nya brapa yah ?

yudha_dadada mengatakan...

siang om...
aq punya thnder125,,klo mw bwt body kit ky ninja 250 yg ky gmbar ini kira2 brp om?
cm body2 aj om...g pke kaki2..
tp untuk blkngnya pngen ky ori ninja 250 yg agak dirampingin aj..
mksh sblumny....

Edinvedder mengatakan...

Hi, my name is Eduardo and I'm from Brazil.

I really liked the ninja 250r fairing mod.

So I would like to know if the headlight part (front cowl only)fits the original 250r fairing from the 2011 model or if just fit the full body fairing kit that your guys made (I would like to keep the rest of my bike original, I just hate the "scuba diver mask" look of the original headlight lol).

If so, how much would it cost?

Thank you for your time and keep up the amazing job.

***If you can, I would like you to reply this through e-mail.

Mine is: eduardohlr@gmail.com


Edinvedder mengatakan...

Hi, my name is Eduardo and I'm from Brazil.

I really liked the ninja 250r fairing mod.

So I would like to know if the headlight part (front cowl only)fits the original 250r fairing from the 2011 model or if just fit the full body fairing kit that your guys made (I would like to keep the rest of my bike original, I just hate the "scuba diver mask" look of the original headlight lol).

If so, how much would it cost?

Thank you for your time and keep up the amazing job.

***If you can, I would like you to reply this through e-mail.

Mine is: eduardohlr@gmail.com


Anonim mengatakan...

hallo bang bisa buatkan kap depan mx pakai lampu cbr kah...n berapa biayanya, trims